About Classes

Here’s how the elearning classes work:

  • You do not need a book for this class – everything is self-contained in this elearning format.  Once class is over, access ends – you may choose to purchase a book for future reference.
  • Most classes last 6-8 weeks – covering 1-1.5 hours of reading/writing per week.
  • Once class is complete, Developmetrics s a certificate (if a certifiable course) and records your class completion within a week!
  • To register for a class follow these links:
  • Class space is limited – you are not guaranteed enrollment until you have received an acknowledging your enrollment with log-on information.  You will go to the elearning site and enter your user name and password.
  • Pay your registration fee either via PayPal or cheque as instructed in your enrollment letter. Fees are due before the class begins. You may request a refund only before the end of the first week of class.
  • You can log-on to the elearning site early and take the “pre-class” that introduces you to how you’ll use the online class.
  • Unless otherwise announced, class starts on a specific date (usually a Saturday) with class access open 24-hours a day.  You will progress through readings and complete assignments by Thursday midnight (Central time). Other classmates progress at the same time and you can dialogue in class forums.
  • Each Friday your class facilitator reviews your work and awards points.  Keep track of your points and facilitators comments in your “grade book.”

Questions?  Contact us at